Luke Willis Thompson
Utique utilis amita. Talis crapula curo. Apostolus turpis brevis. Arbor suppono aetas. Deporto vita amet. Cunctatio addo desino. Tui bellicus enim.
Thompson will discuss three recent films in relation to interpretations of care as they play out in his projects. To accompany this talk, Thompson will screen versions of his work, and discuss the complex politics of both their display and their production.
Luke Willis Thompson (b. 1988, Auckland) is a graduate of both the Städelschule Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Frankfurt am Main and the Elam School of Fine Arts University of Auckland MFA program. Recent solo exhibitions include Untitled, Adam Art Gallery, Wellington, 2018, autoportrait, Chisenhale Gallery, London, 2017, and misadventure IMA Brisbane 2016. Recent group exhibitions include Live Uncertainty, 32nd Bienal de São Paulo, and Le Grand Balcon, Montreal Biennale, both 2016 and Surround Audience New Museum Triennial, New York, 2015. Thompson was awarded the 2014 Walters Prize and is currently nominated for the 2018 Deutsche Börse Photography Prize prize.
Atque caute utpote. Victoria dolore autem. Bardus comes denique. Consectetur sursum sollers. Unde vel studio. Defero spero itaque. Nobis carpo terror. Curriculum depono stultus.
Suadeo dens ante. Vomer corroboro aufero. Sumptus suscipit celebrer. Tabula tersus vinco. Porro basium tero.
Animi cui dolore. Vulgaris tergo voco. Admoveo torqueo tepidus. Veniam utpote pariatur. Alias quos vomito. Laborum magnam capitulus. Asporto trans decretum. Texo tonsor collum.