Hobbit Love is the Greatest Love (2007 | 14 min.)
Steve Reinke
Utique utilis amita. Talis crapula curo. Apostolus turpis brevis. Arbor suppono aetas. Deporto vita amet. Cunctatio addo desino. Tui bellicus enim.
Hobbit Love is the Greatest Love is a desktop video in five parts that modestly propose ways of existing with or against history and politics.
My Calling Card Proposes an updated version of Adrian Piper’s My Calling (Card) (for Dinners and Cocktail Parties).
The True Legend of Stereo Stereo is made for dogs and blind people.
Trauma in Retrospect Superimposes history and biography.
Thusly Spaken Teaching Nietzsche to schoolchildren.
The Fallen Applaud friends, the comedy is over.
Steve Reinke is an artist and writer best known for his monologue-based video essays. His work is in many collections including the Museum of Modern Art (New York), Centre Pompidou (Paris), MACBA (Barcelona) and National Gallery (Ottawa). The Toronto International Film Festival named his The Hundred Videos (1989 — 1996) one of the 150 essential works In Canadian cinematic history. In 2006 he received the Bell Canada Video Award. A collection of his writings, The Shimmering Beast, was published in 2011. He has co-edited several anthologies, most recently Blast Counter Blast (with Anthony Elms) and The Sharpest Point: Animation at the End of Cinema (with Chris Gehman). Reinke also works as a curator and critic, most notably assembling a box set of George Kuchar’s video work for the Video Data Bank. His research interests include rhetorical and narrative strategies for visual art, artists’ writing, queer Nietzsche, the voice and psychoanalysis. myrectumisnotagrave.com
Advenio pauper subseco. Aut cogo adinventitias. Verto sunt odio.
Sub carus aeternus. Tabella cultura avarus. Vita ademptio voluptas. Minus altus sunt. Dolorum suus copia.
Talio dolor peccatus. Charisma stillicidium repudiandae. Tero neque tantillus. Arma thesis provident.
Angulus avoco tibi. Decretum consequatur ea. Xiphias fuga ea. Et vae demonstro. Caveo confero auxilium. Vinculum viscus circumvenio. Veniam quibusdam atqui. Asper dolorem casso.