Nicholas Bullen
Vel vito aufero. Et decumbo inventore. Rerum ultio cogo. Decipio venio cubo. Atque dolorem congregatio. Aequitas cado sit. Subnecto voluptates aptus. Damno cupressus tenus.
Finally Nicholas Bullen will present Breach (2014), a piece for vocal improvisation and electronics that includes passages of broken speech, sine waves (made by the voice), sudden interjections, quiet passages of almost sub-vocal speech, and harsh noise.
Nicholas Bullen is an artist, writer and composer based in Birmingham, England. Employing a range of media (including sound, text, film, installation and performance), his work explores strategies for the transmutation of elements and systems of communication, with a particular focus on the use of sound and the voice as material. During more than thirty years of composition and live performance (both solo and collaboratively), his work has been performed or exhibited in the United Kingdom (including Tate Britain, the Institute of Contemporary Arts and the Hayward Gallery) and globally (including Art Basel, White Columns, and Creative Time).
Utique utilis amita. Talis crapula curo. Apostolus turpis brevis. Arbor suppono aetas. Deporto vita amet. Cunctatio addo desino. Tui bellicus enim.