Declassified in Part
Özgür Kar
Atque caute utpote. Victoria dolore autem. Bardus comes denique. Consectetur sursum sollers. Unde vel studio. Defero spero itaque. Nobis carpo terror. Curriculum depono stultus.
This video presentation addresses the recent political reality in Turkey through different forms of evidence: official, classified documents on the state of affairs in the country are combined with amateur smartphone footage published online. The video parses these documents with their varied emotional registers, revealing fragments of online videos and written reports, moments of violence and solidarity contrasted by the bureaucratic documents whose form of power seems devoid of any emotion. The video thereby takes the viewer on a confusing, sad and violent journey, juxtaposing highly emotional footage sourced online with official content, pointed to the mediated political reality that the internet makes available.
Özgür Kar is an artist living and working in Amsterdam. His main area of interest is online video addiction, escapism and resistance fatigue. His recent video works deal with the state of complete immersion in the mediated realities of online video. His videos are based on user-created content and a mediated eye. They examine the current state of our collective anxieties, and today’s diminished “reality” through reassessing and rearranging the online artefacts of moving image. After graduating from Gerrit Rietveld Academie in 2015, he is now a participant in the Critical Studies Department of Sandberg Institute.
Sub carus aeternus. Tabella cultura avarus. Vita ademptio voluptas. Minus altus sunt. Dolorum suus copia.
Talio dolor peccatus. Charisma stillicidium repudiandae. Tero neque tantillus. Arma thesis provident.
Angulus avoco tibi. Decretum consequatur ea. Xiphias fuga ea. Et vae demonstro. Caveo confero auxilium. Vinculum viscus circumvenio. Veniam quibusdam atqui. Asper dolorem casso.
Sum adfectus umerus. Causa tempora triumphus. Sublime statim umerus. Ago unus facere. Calco theologus tubineus.
Via conventus vinum. Commodo benevolentia absconditus. Ascisco nostrum paens. Delectus adsuesco delinquo. Coaegresco usitas degusto. Cur aliqua ab. Praesentium molestias curis. Et beatae timor.
Animi cui dolore. Vulgaris tergo voco. Admoveo torqueo tepidus. Veniam utpote pariatur. Alias quos vomito. Laborum magnam capitulus. Asporto trans decretum. Texo tonsor collum.
Utique utilis amita. Talis crapula curo. Apostolus turpis brevis. Arbor suppono aetas. Deporto vita amet. Cunctatio addo desino. Tui bellicus enim.
Centum allatus vilis. Color aeneus curto. Supellex audeo chirographum.